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Retirement Livery

One of the hardest moments for owners is deciding when to retire your horse. Is there an age, an injury, a time in their life (or your life) when it’s best to retire? The truth is there isn’t one answer for everyone, but I say to everyone, you know in your gut when your horse is telling you they’re ready. Each horse has their own challenges, from injury to the problems that come with old age, and that is why we offer a bespoke service to suit you. Many horses come to Cross Trees for the extra special care. The horses are in smaller herds of three or four like-minded personalities and whether they are aged and need a peaceful time, or still in their prime but need two years rest after injury, the bespoke attention to each horse will put your mind at ease. From specific dietary requirements and supplements to grooming and specialist hoof care, we pride ourselves on our above standard and knowledgeable care.

Our Story

In 2013 Amy needed to retire her 4 year old due to a serious injury, sadly there were only two options, retirement with risk of adverse reactions or PTS. After lengthy discussions with vets the mutual decision was retirement but with care. Blackjack needed daily monitoring to begin with, mainly to ensure his leg didn’t hook up with time. Amy wanted to give Blackjack the best quality of life for as long as he could sustain it. Blackjack couldn’t be stabled so 24/7 living out retired was the only option but there were issues with the standard of care of these types of liveries. The problem was every retirement home she visited only offered options that meant he needed to be in a large herd, ‘turned away’ where he would need to fend for himself. Then there were concerns with not being allowed to feed, visit or change his rug! His injury was so severe there wasn’t a possibility of a ‘no care’ retirement and all this led to the start of Cross Trees Livery, where the horses requirements are the absolute priority. Moving on 10 years and Blackjack is living his best life with our retired friends! After 2 years he became sound, and another three years we were cantering again. Although he is still retired, with the odd plod out here and there. I owe my whole quest for further knowledge and growing experience to Blackjack for showing me there is another way, the horse way. Each of our staff have a passion for horses, not competing, riding or travelling, they thrive off seeing a shiny coat, seeing a horse recover after an injury or giving them their loving cuddle to make them feel safe. That’s why we’re special, we care. We do this because every day we feel lucky that we can give our retired horses the best for as long as they have and we welcome and encourage all our owners to enjoy spending time with them, whenever they want.

Enquire Now

What is included?

All our retirement packages are all inclusive to make budgeting throughout the year easier. You are never given a last minute bill you weren’t expecting. All Packages include: - Checks minimum twice a day - Rugged/De-rugged daily - Fly masks on/off daily - Fly rugs on/off daily - Healthy and nutritious feeds recommended by our Independent Nutritionist - Regular nutritionist appointments - Hay - Farrier Trims with a remedial farrier - Grooms - Baths - Weight Management Programme - Annual Veterinary Appointments - Worm Count Programme

Monthly Allowance

Bespoke Packages available to suit your budget. Prices average £450 a month to include all the above. Any bespoke requirements such as medication, supplements, remedial farriery can be included. We base our prices on a yearly budget of what your horse/pony would need and divide that by 12 giving your monthly allocation of funds (price). You can top up your allocation if you would like your horse to have additional services such as trailer training, behavioural work, extra feeds required etc. If you don’t love us by now then check out who we work with! We only work with the best in the industry and leaders in their sector. If you need advice or have a worry about horse health, nutrition, veterinary care, physiotherapy, rehabilitation or much more, we are proud to have an incredible network of UK experts in every field.
World Horse Welfare
The Barn Equine Surgery
ABRS+ Certified Yard
Redwings Horse Sanctuary

Get In Touch

Open hours
Daily 8:30 AM — 6:00 PM